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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Let's Begin

Let me begin by saying: "I have no idea what I want to do with my life."

I would love if it involved film in some way, but in the rural south - pickin's is slim. But one thing that absolutely can't hurt, is watching as many of them as possible. That's where this comes in.

Americans may have never heard of these guys. I certainly haven't, and I'm over here lusting to be the next Tarantino.

Empire is an extremely popular British film magazine, that published its first issue in July of 1989.

The link under the picture up there will take you to a list that Empire constructed in 2008. (And here's my easier-to-navigate copy)They polled thousands of people, some who knew what they were talking about - the rest were readers.

What did they poll? Why, the age-old ice breaker "seen anything good lately?".

What resulted is the largest Greatest Ever list I've ever seen. And that tickled my competitive nature in a way it's never been tickled. Here are 500 movies that thousands have narrowed down to the elite. Each one of these films represents at least one person who strongly believes it should be added to the world's collective Bucket List.

So, why not oblige?

I, Metalcake, aspiring filmsomethingorother, am going to attempt to watch every movie on this list. At least one every week, until the list is thoroughly expunged.

For each movie, I will write a post about my thoughts, what you should expect, if I think it's worth it, etc.

Let me state once more though, that this was a list that, not only wasn't composed by me, but was also done by British people. Emma Watson is the best of those guys, and she's over here in America.

I'm not at all serious. I love British people. I'm mostly Welsh, after all, and I'm 60% sure that Welshland is smack dab in the middle of London. Brits are my own flesh and blood.

But I say this because I want to remind anyone who may come across this blog that I'm not somehow reinforcing the choices Empire made. I'm merely using this massive list as a template for which I will harness my cinematic proficiency.

In the event that I've already seen a particular film, I will still write a short summary of my thoughts. I may even re-watch it, like the Star Wars/LotR/Indiana Jones flicks - of which I've long forgotten the details.

I'll be watching them out of order, using this random number generator. Get over that quickly. Netflix doesn't stream as many movies as it should. More on that later.

That's all. I hope someone's reading this. Remember me when I'm famous.

1 comment:

  1. Wait, aren’t we supposed to tell you to remember us when you’re famous? Also, I like this and I hope that you continue with it all!


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